CAMOUFLAGED CUPCAKE he has these dark brown eyes, just a shade lighter than his pupils. when he looks at you they gleam, they sparkle, they glimmer. a twinkle just to let you know there’s someone really special behind those lustrous eyes. his smile is a full toothed one, natural, not overly distorted by those white-coated devils with their unfriendly latex gloves. these natural teeth assemble a smile that will likely make you melt, a grin that triggers laughter, that bubble that welts up inside you just because he’s happy, and suddenly you’re happy. there’s a light sprinkling of freckles that dust his features in a boyish look and pathetic attempt to conceal that rough charm that lurks beneath the surface along with that strong voice and deep chuckle. the thick, dark, fussed over hair, bristling as it sprouts forth from that oh-so-gorgeous head. and the head, swaying from side to side, to inform you that you’re breaking rules, but to admit to you this intrigues him. his body is thick and sturdy. you somehow know you can always lean back against it, and you won’t ever fall. those broad arms of his that are all muscles aren't always meant for throwing a punch but for throwing around you to remind you that you’re appreciated. don’t be fooled by his macho disguise, this one’s no ordinary young male. don’t be surprised when he asks for a tissue and sincerely drenches his face in salty tears. don’t be shocked to realise you’re sobbing because he’s so beautiful, so perfect. don’t be stunned when you find yourself camouflaged with your dull metal locker, half as stable and twice as cold.