what will you do
when you've used everyone
insulted them, robbed them
of all they can give?

you've cheated everyone
out of the chance of friendship.
in this gambler's race for trust,
is candor no more than a stolen vow,
sincerity, only a borrowed tool?

for the record:
i saw the hidden agenda
although i played the kind fool
i recognized the lies, mostly white..

but felt the potency of a few hues
and left behind these scribbles of colour

what will you do
when nobody trusts you?
when the only friends you have left
can't help but saturate you?

what will you do
when you can't hide the colour
that flows through your pulsing veins?

on behalf of 63 florence
i can't say they didn't push you
perhaps i should have stopped them
i shoved them a little
but i never pushed you..
you pushed me away

you're the kind of rainbow
that appears, distant, under foggy skies

[in place of the dark cloud
that mixes up a saccharine sky
icing us like burned birthday cakes]

when it's still drizzling a little
and everyone is sheltered inside
if i stand out in this stagnant mist
you still shine, as vibrant as ever

as far away as you may be
i'm not looking for your pot of gold
your vividness is enough to colour me

©Copyright 2004 Sheila Cook.