the textbook yields many questions,
all of which have predetermined answers..

problems to solve, art to graph,
equations (truth beyond all doubt?)
to pull us out of the great
swamps of oozing numbers.

yes, when the answers check out,
when both sides are equal,
when a life is completely
balanced, we can pass the test.

there is no escape
from the wrong answer;
from the false calculation
that will leave you
numbers behind
in the end.

you try not to subtract
when you can add.
you always multiply
before you divide.

and so, in the end you are
always left with fractions.
you know the only way
to get rid of them is to
convert to negatives..

because sometimes
there aren't enough
rational numbers.

you pragmatic bastard!
you talk in decimals
and graph your progress by
variables you can't equate.

one day you'll learn
your scale is not accurate.
your y-axis does not reach
far enough to show
the true slope
of this equation.

your overall grade will
measure your diligence;
your faithfulness; your
cultivation of patience;

this is the ability
not just to tolerate
the variables, but to
understand their value
even when you find them
in pairs.

©Copyright 2004 Sheila Cook.