i'm falling..
for you, i am falling.
you've taken my mind to the highest peaks
and now i have finally let go.
i made a foolish jump for you
and now i hang, in mid-air,
wondering if you'll ever catch me.
i look down and loose my head.

this is not the first time i have fallen
and will surely not be the last.
but never before have i looked down
on the world from such brilliant heights.
never before have i tasted
something so pure, so valuable.
i have never known refreshment like this.

oh how exciting it is to breathe this air
cool and perplexing, so crisp with apprehension.
i wanted to stay on this mountain forever.
but now i've slipped and you're just out of reach.
i'm falling so fast i can see only blurs.
if you cannot catch me, tell me so,
make me catch myself before i hit the ground.

i can't bear to fall and taste the dirt again
especially from so great a height.
how bitter my mouth would be
after being spoiled with your taste.
but throw me a rope and i'll climb back up
to where we were before i fell. for you
must i promise to never look down?

©Copyright 2003 Sheila Cook.