
Walk between the light
It is I who encompasses doom consuming Fright
You can call me fear, death, or life
I am everything and anything
Breathe my vibrations and Survive off my presence
Let the blood soak, drip or seep onto these white sheets
Murder in sleep
Sandman Serial Killers Will Fucking Slice You
Nightmares on cereal boxes
The register sells death in packs of 25
The Cashier happily hands your life away
The green machine keeps pumping out addiction
Power and thick wallets walk hand and hand
Where’s my Bachelor Party yells power
As Thick Wallets has a Bridal Shower
First Comes marriage, Then Comes Greed in a baby carriage!

“SO Where’s the baby?”

“O, He’s asleep rite now, so try and be quiet I hate waking Greed up,
he’s real hard to get back under control”

Sore Twats, and Dripping Cocks
Condoms In Eden
Seamen in Steinbeck
And Menstrual Fluids Swallowed in a gulp
Being insane is like God handing you freedom


©Copyright 2004 Dionysus.